Unwired Networks: Certified in quality and security

In today’s digital era, quality and security are crucial factors for business success. At Unwired Networks, we are proud to have recently received ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications. These certifications attest to our ongoing commitment to the highest standards of quality and security. In this blog post, we want to explain the significance of these certifications and highlight the many benefits they offer our customers.

Understanding ISO 9001 and ISO 27001

ISO 9001 is an international standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS). It specifies the requirements for a QMS that organizations need to satisfy the needs of their customers and other stakeholders. In contrast, ISO 27001 is the leading international standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). It defines the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continuously improving a documented ISMS focused on protecting information. Both standards are widely recognized in the industry and provide a structured framework that helps companies optimize their processes, minimize risks, and maximize customer satisfaction.

Improved processes and security

By implementing these management systems, we have optimized our core processes and significantly enhanced our risk management. The ISO 9001 certification has enabled us to standardize internal processes and boost efficiency, while the ISO 27001 certification ensures that our IT infrastructure and information processing adhere to the highest security standards. This allows us to deliver the highest quality and security to our customers and partners in our products and services.

How ISO 9001 certification benefits our customers

The ISO 9001 certification guarantees that our processes are both efficient and customer-oriented. For our customers, this translates to:

  • Improved quality and reliability: By adhering to stringent quality standards, we can deliver products and services of consistently high quality that meet our customers’ requirements and expectations, with continuous improvements.
  • Streamlined processes: By implementing standardized procedures, we reduce errors and delays, leading to quicker and more dependable services.
  • Enhanced customer orientation: ISO 9001 supports us in improving our already established practices for customer satisfaction. It equips us with the tools to consistently meet our customers’ needs and refine our services in line with those needs.
  • Simplified procurement: Customers can rely on our ISO 9001 certification and trust that we adhere to the highest quality standards. This streamlines the procurement process, as our certification serves as proof of our reliability and quality.
Unwired 9001 Zertifikate auf abstraktem Hintergrund

How ISO 27001 certification benefits our customers

In today’s world, information security is paramount. Our ISO 27001 certification provides our customers with the following advantages:

  • Enhanced security and protection of sensitive information: By implementing a comprehensive Information Security Management System, we safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our customers’ data.
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements: ISO 27001 helps us meet legal and regulatory requirements, which is especially important for customers in highly regulated industries. It also serves as a foundation for complying with the NIS-2 Directive, which we are committed to fulfilling.
  • Reduced risk of security incidents: Through proactive risk management, we minimize the likelihood of security incidents.
  • Proactive software design: Our secure design process allows us to identify potential threats early and take preventive measures to ensure the security of our software solutions from the outset.
  • Secure software development: Our secure development process systematically ensures the security of our in-house developed software and the entire software supply chain, including open-source and commercial software. This process guarantees that vulnerabilities are detected and resolved automatically from development to production, and that updates are delivered to our customers promptly.
  • Robust business continuity management: Our detailed emergency plans enable a rapid response during crises, ensuring uninterrupted service and safeguarding customer information.
Unwired ISO 27001 Zertifikate auf abstraktem Hintergrund

Assured quality throughout the supply chain

This translates into a much stronger trust base for our customers and project partners. They benefit from the assurance that they are working with a certified partner in Unwired Networks who prioritizes quality and security. The ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications guarantee a solid, secure, and high-quality supply chain, which significantly contributes to meeting their own compliance requirements. As a certified company, we are also better positioned to respond swiftly to market changes while ensuring security and reliability.

Unwired Networks: Committed to excellence

ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications underscore Unwired Networks’ unwavering dedication to top-tier quality and security. We relentlessly strive to enhance our services and the security of our systems, embodying a fundamental part of our corporate philosophy. For additional information about our certifications or to request certificate copies, please visit our certification page.

Unwired Networks Team receiving their ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certificates

A Connectivity Revolution for Transit

Finally Connected: No Route Left Offline!

Wave goodbye to those pesky no signal areas that plagued your routes! With Starlink lighting up the skies, we’re bringing high-speed internet to the most remote corners of your tracks. It’s a significant leap forward, not just in keeping trains online but in transforming how you manage and monitor your fleet. Unwired CloudLink’s WAN Bonding takes this a step further by not just connecting to every available network, but optimizing them to work more efficiently together. This powerful combination eliminates the “out of service” areas once and for all, ensuring continuous coverage from the moment your trains depart to when they arrive at their destination. Now, uninterrupted connectivity across every mile is not just possible—it’s a reality. This powerful combination eliminates the “out of service” areas once and for all, ensuring continuous coverage from the moment your trains depart to when they arrive at their destination. Now, uninterrupted connectivity across every mile is not just possible—it’s a reality.

What is Starlink?

Starlink, developed by SpaceX, is a satellite internet constellation designed to provide high-speed internet from space. Utilizing a network of thousands of small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), Starlink aims to deliver internet coverage across the globe, focusing on underserved and remote areas where traditional broadband is unreliable or unavailable. This satellite network is unique because its satellites are positioned much closer to Earth than traditional satellites, reducing latency and increasing the speed of data transmission. This makes Starlink an innovative solution for rail operators looking to manage connectivity independently of traditional telecommunications providers, offering them unprecedented autonomy and expanding high-speed internet access to even the most remote regions.

The main benefits of Starlink for train operators

  • No More “No Signal Areas” On Your Routes: This is the big one, and probably worth two benefits on this list: the real game-changer with Starlink is its ability to provide reliable, high-speed internet access across even the most remote or rural areas—regions often neglected by traditional cellular coverage and unlikely to see investment in ground-based infrastructure like 5G towers. This satellite network ensures that trains maintain stable connections throughout their journeys, effectively closing the coverage gaps and aiming for 100% connectivity across all routes. This level of consistency in previously unreachable areas isn’t just a single benefit; it’s a transformative advancement for the entire industry.
  • Real-Time Operational Data Transmission: The availability of robust internet connectivity allows for the continuous transmission of operational data, enabling train operators to implement predictive maintenance and enhance route management efficiency.
  • Improved WiFi Stability for Passengers: With Starlink, passengers can enjoy stable and fast WiFi, enhancing their travel experience with seamless access to entertainment, live updates, and communication services throughout their journey. Additionally, through Unwired CloudLink, we can prioritize uplinks based on the least cost, ensuring efficient use of network resources without compromising on connectivity quality.
  • Independence from Ground-Based ISPs: Starlink provides an alternative to traditional ground-based internet services, giving train operators the ability to establish and maintain internet connectivity independently of local infrastructure constraints. Furthermore, with Unwired CloudLink, operators can enhance this service by intelligently combining Starlink with 5G networks. This integration allows for even greater coverage and reliability, ensuring optimal connectivity wherever your routes may lead.
  • Advanced Onboard Systems Support: High-speed and reliable internet from Starlink supports high-demand applications such as CCTV, advanced passenger information systems, and other data-intensive technologies.
Benefits of Starlink for train operators

How Do I Get Starlink for My Trains?

Implementing Starlink for your train operations involves three steps. Here’s what you need to get started:

  • Install a Dedicated Antenna and Router: The initial step in setting up Starlink for your train involves establishing a reliable uplink to the Starlink satellites. This requires installing a dedicated Starlink antenna along with a router, both specifically designed for mobile environments and capable of handling the dynamic movements of train travel. The antenna is built and provided by Starlink to ensure compatibility and optimal performance. Additionally, a mount or frame, typically produced by a third-party, will be necessary to securely attach the antenna to your train. These antennas and the accompanying equipment are expected to be available later this year or early next year, enabling connectivity even in the most remote areas.
  • Integrate with a Vehicle Router: Once the antenna is installed, it must be connected to the vehicle router onboard your train. The vehicle router manages the uplink, ensuring continuous Internet access and integrating with your train’s existing communication systems. It acts as the central hub for all connectivity needs, routing data between the Starlink network and your train’s internal network.
  • Partner with a Starlink Reseller: To effectively use Starlink, you’ll need to work with a certified Starlink reseller. These partners can help manage data volume limits, ensuring that you have adequate bandwidth for your operational needs without exceeding data caps. They can also assist with technical support, account management, and ensuring compliance with local regulations regarding satellite communications.
Typical Starlink Train Setup - Antenna, Router, Satellite

Unwired Edge Cloud for the best Starlink integration

Optimized WAN Bonding with Unwired CloudLink:

Unwired CloudLink enhances connectivity by intelligently aggregating all available uplinks—such as 5G and Starlink—to maintain the highest quality of service at all times. Unwired CloudLink continuously leverages all uplinks, dynamically adjusting how data is shared across them based on their current performance. This approach ensures seamless internet service, maintaining robust connections even under challenging conditions.

Unwired CloudLink utilizes the combined strengths of each connection, simultaneously. It integrates Starlink’s expansive coverage to maintain connection stability in remote areas and leverages 5G’s high-speed capabilities in urban settings. This not only provides consistent connectivity everywhere but also maximizes the overall bandwidth available to passengers and operations on the train.

Furthermore, Unwired CloudLink’s sophisticated system architecture provides reliable failover support. Should any link degrade or fail, the system seamlessly manages the connectivity load across the remaining active links, preventing service interruptions and maintaining a reliable and consistent internet experience.

Unwired Networks as Your ISP

When integrating Starlink with the Unwired Edge Cloud, Unwired Networks acts as your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Unwired CloudLink’s bonding service includes a managed bonding server that manages all network traffic. This way, we can consistently provide an appropriate IP address based on your location. For instance, if a train operator in Germany uses Starlink, which might assign a non-German IP, all traffic can still be routed through our Germany-based bonding server, ensuring the provision of a German IP. This capability is crucial for maintaining operational compliance and seamless connectivity, regardless of the satellite network’s inherent IP configuration. As your ISP, we handle the complexities of network management, allowing you to focus on managing train operations and ensuring a high-quality travel experience for your passengers, along with reliable connectivity for your onboard applications and network devices.

Join Us as an Early Adopter

Interested in experiencing Starlink before your competitors? Now is the chance to explore how Starlink WAN Bonding can enhance your operations. We’re inviting train operators to join us as early adopters in our Proof of Concept (PoC) project for Starlink WAN Bonding. This is your opportunity to first-hand assess how this cutting-edge technology can enhance your operational capabilities and set you apart in the industry. Don’t let this chance slip by. If you’re ready to lead in adopting advanced connectivity solutions, contact us to find out more about this project.

Better decisions with Metrics API

In the fast-paced environment of public transportation, where operational efficiency directly impacts passenger satisfaction and safety, the ability to quickly respond to and resolve technical issues is paramount. Train operators often encounter challenges within their support and maintenance teams due to the absence of comprehensive, immediate data from their edge networking devices. This lack of detailed information complicates routine troubleshooting, extends resolution times, and impacts overall service quality, affecting not only day-to-day operations but also areas such as quality assurance, predictive maintenance, and compliance with service level agreements (SLAs). Enter the Unwired Metrics API: a transformative solution designed specifically to empower operators with detailed, queryable, and visualized data from their edge networking devices. By providing a wealth of metrics in an easily accessible format, our API streamlines the support processes, enabling faster diagnosis and resolution of issues, ensuring that trains run smoothly, and passengers remain connected and satisfied.

Metrics API for Enhanced Edge Device Management in Rail & Bus

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to quickly gather, analyze, and act upon information is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity — Recognizing this critical need, we are proud to introduce the Metrics API, the latest enhancement to Unwired Edge Cloud observability stack, designed to transform the way train operators manage and support edge networking devices.

The Unwired Metrics API is engineered to address the core challenges of support & quality assurance by providing an unprecedented level of visibility into the performance and health of edge networking devices. Based on the robust foundation of Prometheus and PromQL, the API delivers detailed, actionable insights that were previously either out of reach or hard to comprehend. With Metrics API, train operators can now access a wealth of data, enabling them to pinpoint issues with precision and expedite the resolution process.

Key features of the Metrics API include:

  • Comprehensive Monitoring: The Metrics API provides a holistic view of your infrastructure, offering detailed metrics for devices, edge applications, and the orchestration runtime. This wide-ranging monitoring ensures that operators have all the necessary data to maintain optimal performance and reliability.
  • Vast Data Access: Instantly query and visualize data through the Unwired Edge Cloud Console with an integrated Prometheus UI for intuitive analysis.
  • Flexible Integration: Designed with versatility in mind, the Metrics API can be easily integrated into your existing monitoring and alerting systems, ensuring you can leverage the data where it’s needed most. The Metrics API supports integration with a wide range of tools and alerting systems, including but not limited to Prometheus, Grafana, Google Cloud, Azure Monitor, Nagios, and Zabbix.
  • Actionable Insights: Beyond mere data collection, the Metrics API enables train operators to transform data into actionable insights, facilitating quick decision-making and issue resolution.

Real-World Impact: Metrics in Train Usage

A telling example of the Metrics API’s capability comes from a recent incident involving one of our customers. Here’s how the Unwired Metrics API helped diagnose and resolve a sporadic connectivity issue that was affecting one of their trains.

Background: The train in question utilized CloudLink WAN Bonding, equipped with two modems linked to different providers. While this setup typically ensures continuous connectivity by merging several WAN connections based on signal strength to optimize both bandwidth and reliability, the train still faced intermittent connectivity issues. These were particularly noticeable in certain sections of the train track, often correlating with areas where only one provider’s signal was available, preventing the system from reaching its maximum bandwidth potential.

Challenge: The challenge was to determine why, despite active modem connections, the train’s internet speed was sporadically reduced, impacting operational efficiency and passenger service.

Diagnostic Process with the Unwired Metrics API:

Initial Checks: Our Metrics API confirmed that both modems were consistently online, indicating that the issue wasn’t with the modems themselves.

Deep Dive into Data Throughput: Further analysis focused on the individual modems’ throughput. It revealed a recurring pattern: Starting at different times each month, one modem’s bandwidth consistently dropped to a maximum of 64 kbit/s, initiating a pattern of reduced connectivity that persisted until the 8th of next month.

Identification of the Issue: This specific speed cap is indicative of a data limit being reached. Intriguingly, our customer had subscribed to an ‘unlimited’ data package, which should not have any such restrictions.


  • Provider Error Addressed: It became evident that there was a misconfiguration or fault with the data plan from the provider. After the issue was raised by our customer, the provider corrected the fault, ensuring that the data plan reflected the ‘unlimited’ service that was paid for.
  • Role of CloudLink: Fortunately, due to CloudLink WAN Bonding the secondary modem transparently mitigated the impact of the issue until it was resolved, demonstrating its value.
  • Outcome: This incident illustrates the effectiveness of the Unwired Metrics API in not only identifying and diagnosing complex connectivity issues but also in helping to facilitate a rapid resolution. It underscores the importance of detailed, data-driven insights in managing modern transportation services.

Proactive Monitoring with Grafana Cloud: In this real-world example, Grafana Cloud was the Ops tool of choice, offering an intuitive dashboard that provided a quick and comprehensive overview of the device in question. Next, we’ll demonstrate how simple it is to integrate our Metrics API with Grafana Cloud. This setup, which can be completed in just a few minutes, equips you with a robust monitoring and alerting tool, enhancing your operational capabilities and ensuring you stay ahead of potential issues.

Easy Setup with Grafana Cloud

For a seamless and cost-effective implementation of a new ops tool, we highly recommend Grafana Cloud. Here’s why it’s an excellent choice for our customers:

  • Cost-Effective Solution: Grafana Cloud allows our customers to implement a comprehensive reporting dashboard and alerting setup at little to no cost.
  • Pre-configured Dashboards: We provide a JSON file with a pre-configured dashboard tailored to the use cases most critical to our customers. Simply upload this file to your Grafana account, and you’re ready to go.
  • Visual Alert Setup: Setting up alerts in Grafana is a straightforward, visual process that takes only seconds. Alerts can be customized to meet any specific need, ensuring you stay informed about critical metrics.
  • Enhanced Observability: By integrating our Metrics API with Grafana, you equip yourself with a powerful ops tool that offers unparalleled observability of your Unwired Edge Cloud devices—achieving great functionality with minimal setup effort.

Need a Custom Dashboard or Help Setting It Up?

If you’re looking to create your own dashboard and alerts or need some guidance with setup, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re always here to help you optimize your operations with the Unwired Metrics API.

Expanding Capabilities and Next Steps

The Metrics API is not only a powerful tool for diagnosing and resolving connectivity issues but also offers a broad array of metrics to enhance your operational insights. Current metrics include bandwidth usage, latency measurements, device status, and much more, with new metrics being added regularly to enhance your analytical capabilities.

For a more detailed exploration of all the features and metrics available through the Metrics API, please visit our documentation page.

If you’re looking to improve your transportation services’ efficiency and reliability, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact our sales team today to learn more about how the Metrics API can transform your operations and help you deliver a superior service experience. Your journey towards smarter, data-driven decision-making starts here.

Teltonika RUTX & Unwired Edge Cloud

We are pleased to present to you the latest devices of our continuously expanding Unwired Edge Cloud hardware: The Teltonika RUTX models RUTX11, RUTX12, RUTX14, and RUTX50 can now be seamlessly integrated with the Unwired Edge Cloud OS.

The RUTX devices offer a variety of features, ranging from SIM switching to multi-modem support in the case of the RUTX12, and are ideally suited for the Unwired Edge Cloud due to their excellent price-performance ratio. All devices comply with high EU safety and quality requirements for use in vehicles, thanks to E-Mark certification. This not only ensures compliance with strict regulatory standards but also guarantees reliability and durability under the dynamic conditions of road traffic. Additionally, the RUTX11 is certified for railway use and, due to its compact size, provides a perfect solution for applications such as trams. Leverage Teltonika’s hardware and our advanced connectivity platform to orchestrate your networks more efficiently in the future.

Which benefits does the Unwired Edge Cloud offer?

Unwired Edge Cloud OS introduces a wealth of new features and benefits for your network management. These include:

  • Centralized Management: Increased security through automatic updates, time-saving creation, and management of smart networks in a user-friendly web interface – with Unwired Edge Cloud OS, you have full control over all your devices.
  • Comprehensive Connectivity: The Unwired Edge Cloud provides state-of-the-art connectivity, ensuring fast internet access for your vehicles and passengers even in challenging conditions or areas with poor network coverage. Thanks to multiple modems, the RUTX models are suitable for deploying Unwired CloudLink, our modern WAN-Bonding as a Service solution in collaboration with our partner Bondix Intelligence.
  • Central Telemetry: With Unwired Edge Cloud OS, you have access to comprehensive telemetry data, helping you better monitor and optimize the performance and status of your devices.
  • API-First & Cloud-based: Our cloud services are entirely API-driven, providing you with high flexibility in managing, capturing metrics and telemetry, and applying configurations across multiple devices. This greatly simplifies integration into existing systems.
  • Cutting-Edge Public WiFi: Thanks to state-of-the-art network management, you can create, configure and equip all WiFi networks for passengers and service staff with an easy-to-use WiFi portal in no time.

The combination of Teltonika’s RUTX series and our Unwired Edge Cloud is more than the sum of its parts. By integrating the powerful RUTX devices into the Unwired Edge Cloud, you can leverage the full range of device features while benefiting from the advanced management and analytics tools of our platform.

Lanner R6S Integration with Unwired Edge Cloud: An Overview

Good news! Our Unwired Edge OS now supports the Lanner R6S Rail Computer (SKU B/C). This development marks the first time we’ve integrated a Lanner device with Unwired Edge Cloud, offering much more than just compatibility.

Getting the most out of the R6S:

Hardware enhancement through software: with our Unwired Edge OS, you fully exploit the potential of the powerful Lanner R6S. Thanks to a simple installation routine, the comprehensive network management features of the Unwired Edge Cloud can be used immediately, and zero-touch configuration lets you integrate your device into your network in no time at all.

These features await you!

CloudLink: Maximum connectivity

In collaboration with Bondix Intelligence we offer state-of-the-art Packet-based WAN Bonding as a service. By seamlessly merging multiple network connections, CloudLink enables speeds of up to 1 Gbps and ensures seamless and uninterrupted data flow. This improvement in connectivity is critical, especially in scenarios where a stable and fast connection is paramount. Placement in Tier 1 data centers ensures security, and bonding setup takes just seconds in our user-friendly interface.

WiFi portal on board: Always available thanks to local installation on the vehicle router.

Imagine a scenario where passengers can seamlessly access important content such as passenger information and entertainment, even when there is no active Internet connection. Our on-board WiFi portal, deployed directly on the vehicle’s router, makes this vision a reality. With this innovative feature, vehicles become information and entertainment centers in their own right, enhancing the overall passenger experience. Content such as passenger information is differentially synchronized to all vehicles in the fleet efficiently and in a data-saving manner thanks to the Unwired Edge Cloud.

Edge computing: support for real-time applications

Turn your vehicle into a mobile data center. Containerized applications allow data processing directly at the source, enabling real-time analytics. Docker/OCI container integration opens up the possibility of installing applications such as Automatic Passenger Counting from our partner Interautomationdirectly on your vehicle router. This leads to a reduction in the need for specialized hardware in your vehicles and at the same time opens up new efficiency potentials.

The perfect combination: Lanner R6S and Unwired Edge Cloud

The Lanner R6S, with its Intel Core™ i7-7600U CPU, 16 GB DDR4 RAM and 2.5-inch removable frame, is ideal for demanding edge computing tasks. With its 10 PoE-enabled LAN ports, the R6S not only simplifies device connections, but also reduces cable clutter and optimizes vehicle setup. In addition, the R6S SKU B/C meets the power supply tolerances required by the standard, ensuring flexibility and compatibility in a wide range of deployment scenarios.

Even Offline feels like Online

With the Unwired On-board WiFi Portal

Psst… In our industry, we don’t like to talk about it, but trains can also be offline sometimes. Tunnels, mountainous regions, limited network capacities, crossing country borders and the associated network switch – as much as we would like it, a 100% internet coverage is simply not guaranteed with the current network infrastructure. For passengers, this situation understandably leads to frustration: the WiFi connection is established, only to be greeted by a continuously spinning loading icon when trying to access the WiFi portal? Not exactly building trust. A passenger would like to place a food order while in a tunnel, only to be greeted by a “Page Not Reachable” message? Plenty of time to reconsider purchasing from the onboard restaurant. With the On-board WiFi Portal from Unwired, these problems will become a thing of the past.

On-board vs. Cloud WiFi Portal

From a passenger’s perspective, there is no difference between an On-board or Cloud WiFi Portal – however, for the operator, the difference is significant. After selecting the respective Wi-Fi network, in both cases, passengers are greeted by the Unwired WiFi Portal, which provides travelers with essential route information, connection details, news, entertainment offerings, and many other contents. But while with the Cloud WiFi Portal the provided content, as well as the portal itself, initially need to be retrieved over the internet, the On-board WiFi Portal is served directly from the vehicle’s router and thus loads independently of the internet connection. There are several significant advantages for our customers as a result:
  • Content such as passenger information is differentially synchronized across all vehicles in the fleet thanks to the Unwired Edge Cloud. This process is fast, saves valuable data volume, and reduces ongoing costs.
  • The enhanced user-friendliness contributes to increased customer satisfaction – thanks to seamless roaming combined with the On-board WiFi Portal, customers always feel well-connected.
  • Our captive portal, whether on-board or cloud-based, is easy to use even for users without HTML knowledge, allowing them to populate it with editorial content in just a few clicks. This reduces administrative costs and enhances the company’s appearance.
  • Standardized yet flexible: Our WiFi portal is designed as a standard product that is compatible with future generations of devices, while still being customizable to meet your individual requirements.
The Unwired WiFi Portal is run as a Docker/OCI Container or as a virtual machine. On Unwired Edge OS-enabled devices, it is ready to use within minutes.

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The Unwired On-board WiFi Portal

Our On-board WiFi Portal is an absolute lightweight and runs extremely reliably even on very compact routers like the Netmodule NB3800, and can even provide a media portal for license-free content on devices of this price range. And the best part is: The Unwired Captive Portal can also be virtualized to run on existing routers and servers, such as those from Icomera, in the vehicle, to provide Unwired Edge WiFi. Setting up the portal is extremely simple. With just a few clicks, the portal can be created and filled with initial content. With the help of Edge Cloud device management, it can be assigned to device groups or individual devices in no time. The intuitive and user-friendly interface of the Edge Cloud allows even less technically savvy users to customize the portal in no time. On the other hand, technically savvy users will especially appreciate the functionality of the on-board portal.

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Technical functionality

Technically speaking, the Unwired On-board WiFi Portal is an integrated passenger WLAN solution that includes all necessary components such as a Captive and Media Portal, DNS and DHCP servers, software-based router, bandwidth management, monitoring, and DNS-based content filter. The Unwired On-board WiFi Portal can be combined with internet access services (VPN, Bonding, etc.) from Unwired or other Internet Service Providers and operates completely autonomously, even in the event of an internet uplink failure. All content managed through the Unwired Edge WiFi Content Management System or sourced from external providers is differentially synchronized to the integrated storage of the routers. Ongoing content changes are updated with low latency using a push mechanism, ensuring timely updates. In contrast, all Unwired portals that are delivered directly from the Cloud Service over VPN are referred to as Cloud WiFi Portals. The On-board WiFi Portal enables WLAN users to seamlessly roam between other On-board and Cloud WiFi Portals (e.g. at stations). Roaming between independent routers within the same train is also seamlessly possible with the offline portal. The allocation of IP addresses is secured through fleet-wide automatically allocated subnets, enabling seamless roaming of clients even on the IP level. In terms of the WLAN feature set, both the Cloud and the On-board WiFi Portal support the Captive Portal API (RFC 8908) to signal the presence of the Captive Portal to modern WLAN clients. Furthermore, all connections are TLS-encrypted, ensuring secure communication. Typical deployments of the On-board WiFi Portal can serve between 100 and 1000 simultaneous users. For example, a Netmodule NB3800, in combination with the On-board WiFi Portal and Unwired CloudLink as a WAN-Bonding solution, can easily serve 100 or more users, while larger multicore Intel devices like the Lanner R6S can even handle up to 1000 users.

Maximum availability and customer satisfaction with the Unwired On-board WiFi Portal.

The Unwired On-board WiFi Portal provides both travelers and companies with a reliable, always available solution for sections of the route with poor network coverage. It enables seamless roaming, reduces ongoing costs, and provides a user-friendly interface that is suitable for both technically savvy and less experienced users. In short: With the Unwired On-board WiFi Portal, even being offline feels like being online. If you too want to benefit from the advantages of the Unwired On-board WiFi Portal for your business, do not hesitate to contact our technical experts. We are happy to support you in setting up your individual portal and tailoring it to your specific needs.

The starting point: desire for connectivity

With 135 million passengers per year, ÖBB Postbus GmbH is the largest bus company in the Austrian market. With such a high number of annual passengers and routes located primarily in rural areas, the desire for reliable connectivity for the entire fleet was a major challenge for the bus company. Especially the fact that the majority of passengers consists of schoolchildren, who attach great importance to a stable Internet connection during their ride, highlighted the need for the move towards a digital and connected fleet in order to remain competitive.

The solution: Unwired software and Teltonika hardware

In this context, Postbus identified its need for a universal solution which, on the one hand, guarantees reliable connectivity regardless of location and, on the other hand, entails uncomplicated installation and management. In the course of a public tender, Unwired Networks finally succeeded in convincing the client with the Unwired Edge Cloud as well as the Teltonika high-performance router RUT955 compatible with it. Equipped with LTE Cat 4 Internet, Dual SIM and Auto-Failover, the router meets all the requirements for stable connectivity.

As the project continued, the Unwired Cloud OS firmware was installed on all devices, allowing setup to take place in minutes after installation on each bus, without complicated on-site configuration. Maintenance also presents no problems with the Unwired Edge Cloud, which manages and monitors all device and network settings. Since Unwired Networks, as an Internet service provider, also assumes liability for data traffic and enables the blocking of unwanted content via content filters, the company is additionally protected from abuse by users.

By the end of the project, thanks to the combination of user-friendly software, feature-rich firmware, and compatible hardware, each ÖBB vehicle had the desired passenger Wi-Fi solution in place. Learn more about the entire project here.

The advantages of Unwired Edge WiFi

Unwired Edge WiFi guarantees a stable Internet connection for both stationary and mobile applications and under changing signal conditions. Integration is quick and easy for all vehicles or other environments. In addition to real-time route information, your passengers also benefit from a WiFi entertainment program with content such as video, audio or e-books. With Unwired Edge WiFi you can count on:

  • smart device management,
  • reliable connectivity,
  • easy installation
  • and legal security.

Learn more about Unwired Edge WiFi here!

The advantages of Teltonika RUT995

The Teltonika 4G router RUT955 can be used for industrial as well as automotive applications. Its compatibility with Unwired Cloud OS as an operating system provides it with functions such as passenger WiFi or remote management. This remote access ensures that faults can be fixed quickly and software updates are performed automatically from a distance. The powerful router is equipped with:

  • Ethernet,
  • GNSS (GPS),
  • microSD and USB.

Learn more about the RUT955 here!

In our partner Teltonika’s perspective case study, the network concept used at ÖBB Postbus is illustrated through a detailed graphic – learn more about Teltonika’s solutions here!

Unwired Networks attended InnoTrans 2022 from September 20th-23rd, presenting the capabilities of Edge Networking, Edge Compute and Edge WiFi. In a total of 42 halls, over 3000 exhibiting companies welcomed around 150,000 visitors.

InnoTrans 2022

Edge Networking & Edge Compute

The focus of our new booth concept was on Edge Networking and Edge Compute. In the context of this, both state-of-the-art hardware exhibits were presented and numerous consultations on software solutions were held. During a small refreshment in the form of fresh lemonades, coffee and popcorn, our visitors informed themselves about:

  • reliable data connections,
  • the central vehicle router,
  • fast set-up of the Edge WiFi,
  • cloud-based management of vehicle networks and
  • resource-saving application virtualization.


Compatible hardware innovations were presented to match these solutions. Among them, on the one hand, the high-performance WiFi 6 Access Point AP 3400 from Netmodule, which can be used in the railroad sector or in other areas with similarly high requirements. The NB3800-UW railroad router and the Teltonika RUT955 for automotive and bus applications also attracted the attention of the visitors. All technical specifications and devices from Unwired Networks can be found here: Go to Unwired Edge Hardware.

We are happy to have been part of this year’s InnoTrans 2022, and would like to thank you for the many interesting conversations with new as well as existing contacts and can’t wait to be exhibitors again in 2 years and actively shape the future of mobility.

Get to know the connectivity solutions and the edge compute and edge networking technologies from Unwired Networks.

Get in touch with us!

Whether you need support, want to find out more about our products and services or have a specific project inquiry – we look forward to hearing from you.
